ball bauble christmas comphot03 decoration gold golden ornament scene snow tree winter xmas boy shepherd Christmas crib comgrap04 decorations joy. mother and child nativity scene peace cold field fog gate ice mist nature snow scene trees vale wales chaple church church yard graves Penarth Bethlehem camel frame jesus mary night palm stable the star three kings advent artistic baby background biblical celebrations christian Christmas-decorations colored colors coloured colours crib decorative display displayed Epiphany faith figures figurines foreign-visitors frankincense gifts incarnation joseph kings light magi manger meaning models myrrh Nativity nativity-scene ornamental seasonal setting shaped shapes story Theophany Wise-Men blue bright frost season sky white woods

search result for Christmas scene (153)

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10 0 grade account_circle this xmas
10 1 grade account_circle this xmas
24 1 grade account_circle this xmas
8 0 grade account_circle Boy shepherd at crib
13 2 grade account_circle Winter gate
16 2 grade account_circle Winter church
65 4 grade account_circle Three Kings
235 9 grade account_circle Three Kings
6 0 grade account_circle wise men nativity scene2
7 0 grade account_circle wise men nativity scene1a
18 4 grade account_circle Winter tree
30 2 grade account_circle Snow fields 3
34 1 grade account_circle Snow fields 2
10 0 grade account_circle Munster, Germany
55 2 grade account_circle Christmas card, candle light
39 3 grade account_circle Christmas card, candle light
8 1 grade account_circle Christmas Baubles and Bits
23 0 grade account_circle Christmas Baubles and Bits
4 0 grade account_circle Christmas Baubles and Bits
2 0 grade account_circle Christmas Baubles and Bits
4 0 grade account_circle Christmas Baubles and Bits
27 2 grade account_circle Christmas door
27 4 grade account_circle Snow fields 1
0 0 grade account_circle O Little Town
196 7 grade account_circle Bethlehem
0 2 grade account_circle Bright pointsettia
16 2 grade account_circle african nativity
8 0 grade account_circle german christmas pyramid
25 0 grade account_circle Christmas Tree
1 0 grade account_circle bauble nativity1
14 2 grade account_circle Three Kings
209 4 grade account_circle Snowman Graphic
7 0 grade account_circle german christmas pyramid 2
73 4 grade account_circle Christmas scene
48 5 grade account_circle Winter road
11 4 grade account_circle Christmas village 3
37 2 grade account_circle Holy Family
6 0 grade account_circle large sized nativity scene1
21 5 grade account_circle Christmas village 2
1 0 grade account_circle knitted Christmas
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